Always Dog and Not-Your-Person — 57 of 81

Currently Anonymous

Release 1

Part 2 - Logged Observations

[Technically, observations aren't logged at the same time that Not-Your-Person says stuff. I think it will be okay. Dogs can't tell time.]

The commentary line is a number that varies. The commentary line is 1.

The day number is a number that varies. The day number is 1.

Table of Running Commentary

112:00 AMLiving Roomtrue"This is a sample comment."
with 500 blank rows

Log-waiting is a list of texts that varies.

To log (words - some text):

choose row (commentary line) in the Table of Running Commentary;

now the time entry is the time of day;

now the day entry is the day number;

now the room entry is the location of Not-Your-Person;

if the location of the player is the location of Not-Your-Person:

now the present entry is true;


now the present entry is false;

now the comment entry is words;

now the commentary line is the commentary line + 1.

To report commentary:

repeat through the Table of Running Commentary:

say "On day [day entry] at [time entry], at [room entry], Not-My-Person said '[comment entry]'";

if present entry is false:

say " (You were elsewhere at the time.)";

say "[line break]".