Always Dog and Not-Your-Person — 59 of 81

Currently Anonymous

Release 1

Book 4 - Movement

Part 1 - Summoning

Summoning is a truth state that varies. Summoning is false.

Seeking is a truth state that varies. Seeking is false.

At the time when Not-Your-Person seeks the dog:

now seeking is true.

Every turn when seeking is true:

if the location of the player is the location of Not-Your-Person:

talk "Not-Your-Person talks to you.";

log "What is it, pupster?";

now seeking is false;


let thataway be the best route from the location of Not-Your-Person to the location of the player, using doors;

if thataway is nothing:

say "***ERROR - Not-Your-Person can't find Always Dog ([location of Not-Your-Person] to [location of the player])." instead;

let the barrier be the door thataway from the location of Not-Your-Person;

if the barrier is a door:

if the barrier is closed:

try Not-Your-Person opening the barrier;

if the barrier is closed:

say "***ERROR - Not-Your-Person can't open [the barrier] while trying to find Always Dog." instead;

try Not-Your-Person going thataway.

Before Not-Your-Person going:

say "Not-Your-Person is going somewhere."