Always Dog and Not-Your-Person — 62 of 81

Currently Anonymous

Release 1

Volume 5 - The Environment

Book 1 - Setup

Part 1 - Rooms

A room can be indoors or outdoors. A room is usually indoors.

A room is usually privately-named.

A room has some text called the shortdesc. The shortdesc of a room is usually "(***SHORTDESC)".

Understand the shortdesc property as describing a room.

Understand "place" as a room.After looking: list the exits.

To list the exits:

say "From here, you can go:[line break]";

repeat with thataway running through directions:

if the door thataway from the location is a door:

let the temp door be the door thataway from the location;

let the temp room be the room thataway from the location;

say " toward the [shortdesc of the room thataway from the location] place ";

if the temp door is open:

say "(through [the temp door])[line break]";


say "(if Not-Your-Person opens [the temp door])[line break]";

else if the room thataway from the location is a room:

let the temp room be the room thataway from the location;

say " toward the [shortdesc of the temp room] place[line break]";