Always Dog and Not-Your-Person — 68 of 81

Currently Anonymous

Release 1

Part 3 - Dining Room

Section 0 - Describing the Room

Dining Room is east of Kitchen. "This is the very best room! [bowl sentences]It also has the big table where Person puts food before eating it[first time]. Sometimes Person even drops people food and that is the best, except when Person wants to take it back afterward[only]."

The printed name of Dining Room is "Inside, Where You Eat".

To say bowl sentences:

say "It ";

if the location of your food bowl is not Dining Room:

say "usually has your food bowl ";


say "has your food bowl (currently ";

if something is in your food bowl:

say "containing [a list of things in food bowl]";


say "empty, very sad";

say ") ";

say "and ";

if the location of your water bowl is not Dining Room:

say "usually has your water bowl ";


say "your water bowl (currently ";

if fresh water is in your water bowl:

say "full";

else if something is in your water bowl:

say "containing [a list of things in water bowl]";


say " empty, very sad";

say ")";

say ". "

The shortdesc of Dining Room is "eating".