Five Gods Exiled — 2 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Volume 1 - Setting Up

Include Automap by Mark Tilford.

[Include Small Kindnesses by Aaron Reed.]

Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 2000000.

Use MAX_PROP_TABLE_SIZE of 500000.


Use MAX_OBJECTS of 1000.

Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 30000.

Use the serial comma, no scoring, and full-length room descriptions.

The describe what's on scenery supporters in room descriptions rule is not listed in any rulebook.

To press space to continue:

say "[paragraph break][italic type][bracket]Press SPACE to continue.[close bracket][roman type]";

wait for the SPACE key;

clear only the main screen.

[Chapter - Sorry, I need my own direction validator (in place of Chapter - Show valid directions after going nowhere in Small Kindnesses by Aaron Reed)]