Five Gods Exiled — 104 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 2 - New Verbs

Part 1 - Listing Exits

Listing exits is an action applying to nothing. Understand "exits" as listing exits.

Carry out listing exits:

say "From here, you can go:[line break]";

repeat with thataway running through directions:

let the target room be the room thataway from the location;

if the target room is not nothing:

say "- [thataway] ";

if the target room is visited:

say "(";

if the target room is in the Blight or the target room is a shrine room:

say the display name of the target room in lower case;

say ")[line break]";


say the display name of the target room in title case;

say ")[line break]";


say "into the unknown[line break]".