Five Gods Exiled — 118 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 6 - IDing Items

To identify the player's stuff:

say "The power of the orb, channeled through the shrine, flows into you";

if the shadow self is in the location:

now the current person is the shadow self;

say ", and, from you, into your shadow self. You become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of your shadow: [zhe] is ";

if the strength of the player is 2:

say "terribly weak";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 3:

say "very weak";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 4:

say "weak";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 5:

say "average in strength";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 6:

say "strong";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 7:

say "very strong";

otherwise if the strength of the player is 8:

say "incredibly strong";


say "inhumanly strong";

say " ([strength of the player]) ";

if (the strength of the player > 5) and (the stamina of the player < 5):

say " but ";

otherwise if (the strength of the player < 5) and (the stamina of the player > 5):

say " yet ";


say " and ";

if the stamina of the player is 2:

say " terribly frail";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 3:

say "very frail";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 4:

say "frail";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 5:

say "average in constitution";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 6:

say "robust";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 7:

say "very robust";

otherwise if the stamina of the player is 8:

say "incredibly robust";


say "inhumanly robust";

say " ([stamina of the player])";

say ". ";

if (the shadow self is wearing a wearable memento) or (the shadow self has an automatic memento):

say "[paragraph break][Zher] abilities are affected by:[paragraph break]";

let M be 0;

repeat with temporary memento running through mementos carried by the shadow self:

if (the temporary memento is wearable and the temporary memento is worn by the shadow self) or (the temporary memento is an automatic memento):

now the current memento is the temporary memento;

report the current memento's stats;

now M is M + 1;

say "[paragraph break]Thus affected, [zhe] is ";


say "[paragraph break]Examining [zher] abilities, you find [zhim] to be ";

if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 3:

say "a terrible fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 4:

say "a very poor fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 6:

say "a poor fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 8:

say "an adequate fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 9:

say "a good fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 11:

say "a remarkably skilled fighter";

otherwise if (the eattack of the player + the edefense of the player) < 13:

say "an incredibly skilled combatant";


say "an inhumanly skilled combatant";

say " ([eattack of the player + edefense of the player]) ";

say " who is ";

if the espeed of the player < 1:

say "terribly slow";

otherwise if the espeed of the player is 1:

say "slow";

otherwise if the espeed of the player is 2:

say "average in speed";

otherwise if the espeed of the player is 3:

say "fast";

otherwise if the espeed of the player is 4:

say "very fast";

otherwise if the espeed of the player is 5:

say "incredibly fast";


say "inhumanly fast";

say " ([espeed of the player]) ";

say ", ";

if the estealth of the player is 1:

say " terrible at sneaking about";

otherwise if the estealth of the player is 2:

say "bad at sneaking about";

otherwise if the estealth of the player is 3:

say "average in stealth";

otherwise if the estealth of the player is 4:

say "fairly stealthy";

otherwise if the estealth of the player is 5:

say "very stealthy";

otherwise if the estealth of the player is 6:

say "incredibly stealthy";


say "inhumanly stealthy";

say " ([estealth of the player]) ";

say ", and ";

if the eawareness of the player is 2:

say "oblivious to danger";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 3:

say "inattentive to danger";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 4:

say "not always attentive to danger";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 5:

say "average in alertness";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 6:

say "reasonably alert to danger";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 7:

say "very alert to danger";

otherwise if the eawareness of the player is 8:

say "incredibly alert to danger";


say "inhumanly alert to danger";

say " ([eawareness of the player])";

say ". You also note that [zhe] is ";

if the chealth of the player - the rhealth of the player is 0:

say "completely healthy";

otherwise if the rhealth of the player - the chealth of the player is 1:

say "minorly injured";

otherwise if the rhealth of the player - the chealth of the player < the chealth of the player / 2:

say "somewhat injured";

otherwise if the rhealth of the player - the chealth of the player < the chealth of the player / 4:

say "severely injured";

otherwise if the chealth of the player is 1:

say "so badly injured that [zhe] is dying before your eyes";


say "injured";

say " ([chealth of the player] out of [rhealth of the player])";

if the shadow self has an intrinsic memento or the shadow self has an inactive memento:

say "The power of the shrine diffuses beyond your shadow's skin, and you sense more about [zher] possessions....[paragraph break]";

repeat with temporary memento running through mementos carried by the shadow self:

if the temporary memento is an intrinsic memento or the wear_at of the temporary memento is not 0:

now the current memento is the temporary memento;

report the current memento's stats;


say ".";

now the current shrine statue is previously invoked;

otherwise if Exile access is true:

say ". You feel it quest outward toward your shadow self, but then the power fails. The distance is too far.";


say ", but it fails to coalesce in any form you can grasp. The circumstances are wrong for this shrine to activate.".

To report the current memento's stats:

say "- [a current memento], which";

if the current memento is an intrinsic memento:

say ", if consumed by the shadow, would have the effect of ";

otherwise if the current memento is inactive:

say ", if worn, would be ";


say " has the effect of ";

let M be 0;

if the attack boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the attack boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the attack boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the attack boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the attack boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the attack boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " [zher] skill in attacking enemies (by [M])";

if the speed boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the defense boost of the current memento is not 0 or the awareness boost of the current memento is not 0 or the stealth boost of the current memento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

now M is 0;

if the speed boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the speed boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the speed boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the speed boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the speed boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the speed boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " [zher] speed (by [M])";

if the defense boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current memento is not 0 or the speed boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the awareness boost of the current memento is not 0 or the stealth boost of the current memento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

now M is 0;

if the defense boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the defense boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the defense boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the defense boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the defense boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the defense boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " [zher] ability to defend against attack (by [M])";

if the awareness boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current memento is not 0 or the speed boost of the current memento is not 0 or the defense boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the stealth boost of the current memento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

now M is 0;

if the awareness boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the awareness boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the awareness boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the awareness boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the awareness boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the awareness boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " [zher] ability to notice hidden threats (by [M])";

if the stealth boost of the current memento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current memento is not 0 or the speed boost of the current memento is not 0 or the defense boost of the current memento is not 0 or the awareness boost of the current memento is not 0:

say " and ";

now M is 0;

if the stealth boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the stealth boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the stealth boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the stealth boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the stealth boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the stealth boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " [zher] ability to avoid the attention of enemies (by [M])";

if the movement boost of the current memento is not 0:

now M is 0;

say ". Also, the [current memento]";

if the current memento is an intrinsic memento:

say ", if consumed by the shadow, would better attune you to the exiled world, thus ";

otherwise if the current memento is inactive:

say ", if worn, would better attune you to the exiled world, thus ";


say " has the effect of better attuning you to the exiled world, thus";

if the movement boost of the current memento > 0:

now M is the movement boost of the current memento;

otherwise if the movement boost of the current memento < 0:

now M is (0 - the movement boost of the current memento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "significantly";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "greatly";


say "hugely";

if the movement boost of the current memento > 0:

say " increasing";

otherwise if the movement boost of the current memento < 0:

say " decreasing";

say " your ability to remain there (by [M]).";


say "."