Five Gods Exiled — 127 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 1 - Core Memory Dumps

To call a core memory dump:

DM "(Calling a core memory dump.)";

if the news memory is untriggered:

now the current memory is the news memory;

otherwise if the meditation memory is untriggered:

now the current memory is the meditation memory;

otherwise if the selection memory is untriggered:

now the current memory is the selection memory;

otherwise if the grief memory is untriggered:

now the current memory is the grief memory;


now the current memory is the responsibility memory;

now the current memory is triggered;

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:

if the associated NPC of the current memory is in Z5:

move the associated NPC of the current memory to the location;

now the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;


place a false lead;

now the dead ringer of the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;


place a false lead;

now the dead ringer of the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;

DM "(The associated NPC of the current memory is [given name of the associated NPC of the current memory] [surname of the associated NPC of the current memory]. ";

if the current person is a false lead:

DM "The current person is a false lead named [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person].)";

otherwise if the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory:

DM "[Zhe] is also the current person.)";



if the location is transitional:

now the height of the current person is the height of the associated NPC of the current memory;

now the build of the current person is the build of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "A sense of extreme familarity washes over you as a [gr-age], [height of the current person] and [build of the current person], [one of]walks by[or]passes by[or]strides past[or]limps carefully past[at random] you. ";


now the height of the current person is the height of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "You spot a [if the height of the current person is not average height][height of the current person] [end if][gr-age] walking past outside. ";

let M be a random number between 1 and 4;

if M is 1:

say "Something about [zhim] - maybe [zher] ";

if the facial hair of the associated NPC of the current memory is not "" and the current person is male:

now the facial hair of the current person is the facial hair of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "[facial hair of the current person], maybe [zher] ";

now the hair length of the current person is the hair length of the associated NPC of the current memory;

now the hair color of the current person is the hair color of the associated NPC of the current memory;

now the hair texture of the current person is the hair texture of the associated NPC of the current memory;

now the hairstyle of the current person is the hairstyle of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "[hair reference] - abruptly reminds you of";

otherwise if M is 2:

if the location is focal:

say "Something about the way [zhe] walks reminds you of";


now the eye color of the current person is the eye color of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "As [zhe] passes by, you glimpse [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes, and the hue reminds you of";

otherwise if M is 3:

now the skin tone of the current person is the skin tone of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "The [skin tone of the current person] color of [zher] skin reminds you of";


now the physical impression of the current person is the physical impression of the associated NPC of the current memory;

now the style impression of the current person is the style impression of the associated NPC of the current memory;

say "Glimpsed in profile, [zher] [physical impression of the current person] face and [color preference of the current person] attire remind you abruptly of";

say " [given name of the associated NPC of the current memory] [surname of the associated NPC of the current memory], your";

now the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;

say " [gr of the current person]. You remember:[paragraph break]";

remember the current memory;

say "[line break]The memory fades, leaving you alone in the ";

if the rationale of the player is personal desire:

say "hungry ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is intelligence:

say "smoking ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is dexterity:

say "unraveling ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is endurance:

say "stubborn ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is scientific skill:

say "crippled ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is blessing of the gods:

say "luminous ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is conviction of ideals:

say "lonely ";


say "bewildered ";

if the motivation of the player is familial love:

say "embers ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is romantic love:

say "ashes ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is duty:

say "rhythms ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is idealism:

say "patterns ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is revenge:

say "shards ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is fear:

say "ruins ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is ambition:

say "fluttering ";

otherwise if the motivation of the player is curiosity:

say "labyrinth ";


say "web ";

say "of your remaining consciousness."