Five Gods Exiled — 145 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 2 - Intrinsic Mementos

Consumption style is a kind of value. The consumption styles are food-based, drink-based, and scroll-based.

A consumption style has a list of memento-types called the potential name list.

The potential name list of food-based is {powder}.

The potential name list of drink-based is {elixir, potion}.

The potential name list of scroll-based is {scroll, parchment}.

A consumption style has a list of adjectives called the potential adjective list.

The potential adjective list of food-based is {fine, gritty, smooth, crystalline, sparkling, translucent}.

The potential adjective list of drink-based is {bubbling, fizzy, translucent, glimmering, shimmering, murky, shadowy}.

The potential adjective list of scroll-based is {polished, elegant, small, torn, ragged, smudged, dirty}.

An intrinsic memento is a kind of memento. An intrinsic memento has a consumption style. An intrinsic memento usually has consumption style food-based.

An intrinsic memento has an adjective called the color. An intrinsic memento usually has color purple. Understand the color property as describing an intrinsic memento.

An intrinsic memento usually has memento-type powder.

An intrinsic memento has a number called the strength boost. The strength boost of an intrinsic memento is usually 0.

An intrinsic memento has a number called the stamina boost. The stamina boost of an intrinsic memento is usually 0.

An intrinsic memento has a number called the will boost. The will boost of an intrinsic memento is usually 0.

An intrinsic memento has a number called the knowledge boost. The knowledge boost of an intrinsic memento is usually 0.

Rule for printing the name of an intrinsic memento (called target imemento):

if the consumption style of the target imemento is scroll-based:

say "[memento adjective of the target imemento] [color of the target imemento]-inked [memento-type of the target imemento]";


say "[memento adjective of the target imemento] [color of the target imemento] [memento-type of the target imemento]".

The plural of intrinsic memento is intrinsic mementos.

50 intrinsic mementos are in Z1. The current imemento is an intrinsic memento that varies.