Five Gods Exiled — 150 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 5 - Consuming Intrinsic Mementos

To consume the current imemento:

now the current imemento is the noun;

now the current person is the shadow self;

if the consumption style of the current imemento is food-based or the consumption style of the current imemento is drink-based:

say "[The shadow self] lifts the [current imemento] to [zher] lips and swallows it. Your mouth fills suddenly with a [one of]salty[or]coppery[or]acidic[or]bitter[or]sweet[or]spicy[or]metallic[at random] flavor. You";


say "[The shadow self] unrolls the [current imemento] and lowers [zher] eyes to peruse the text. A moment passes while [zhe] reads, and then the world swims quite suddenly around you. As everything stabilizes, you ";

say "realize that you feel ";

let M be 0;

if the attack boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the attack boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the attack boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the attack boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the attack boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the attack boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more ";


say "less ";

say "dangerous";

now the rattack of the player is the rattack of the player + the attack boost of the current imemento;

if the speed boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the defense boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the movement boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the awareness boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stealth boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the speed boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the speed boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the speed boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the speed boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the speed boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "swifter ";


say "slower ";

now the rspeed of the player is the rspeed of the player + the speed boost of the current imemento;

if the defense boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the movement boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the awareness boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stealth boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the defense boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the defense boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the defense boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the defense boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the defense boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "less vulnerable";


say "more vulnerable";

now the rdefense of the player is the rdefense of the player + the defense boost of the current imemento;

if the movement boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the awareness boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stealth boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the movement boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the movement boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the movement boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the movement boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the movement boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more ";


say "less ";

say "capable of concentrating";

now the rmovement of the player is the rmovement of the player + the movement boost of the current imemento;

if the awareness boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the stealth boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the awareness boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the awareness boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the awareness boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the awareness boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the movement boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more ";


say "less ";

say "aware of your surroundings";

now the rawareness of the player is the rawareness of the player + the awareness boost of the current imemento;

if the stealth boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the stealth boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the stealth boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the stealth boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the stealth boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the movement boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "sneakier";


say "less sneaky";

now the rstealth of the player is the rstealth of the player + the stealth boost of the current imemento;

if the strength boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the strength boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the strength boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the strength boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the strength boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the strength boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "stronger";


say "less strong";

now the strength of the player is the strength of the player + the strength boost of the current imemento;

if the stamina boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the will boost of the current imemento is not 0 or the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say ", ";


say " and ";

if the stamina boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the stamina boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the stamina boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the stamina boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the strength boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more";


say "less";

say " capable of enduring hardship";

now the stamina of the player is the stamina of the player + the stamina boost of the current imemento;

if the will boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

say "and ";

if the will boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the will boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the will boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the will boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the strength boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more";


say "less";

say " strongwilled";

now the will of the player is the will of the player + the will boost of the current imemento;

if the knowledge boost of the current imemento is not 0:

if the knowledge boost of the current imemento > 0:

now M is the knowledge boost of the current imemento;

otherwise if the knowledge boost of the current imemento < 0:

now M is (0 - the knowledge boost of the current imemento);

if M is 1:

say "slightly ";

otherwise if M is 2:

say "somewhat ";

otherwise if M is 3:

say "";

otherwise if M is 4:

say "significantly ";


say "very much ";

if the knowledge boost of the current imemento > 0:

say "more";


say "less";

say " cognizant of this world's nature";

now the knowledge of the player is the knowledge of the player + the knowledge boost of the current imemento;

say "[if the consumption style of the current imemento is scroll-based].[paragraph break][The current imemento] has vanished from your shadow's hands[end if].";

calculate the player's enhanced stats.