Five Gods Exiled — 17 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 3 - Describing Barriers

A barrier has an adjective. The adjective of a barrier is usually nondescript. Understand the adjective property as describing a barrier.

A barrier-type has a list of adjectives called the appropriate adjective list.

[The ocean adjective list is a list of adjectives that varies.

Definition: An adjective is ocean-appropriate if it is listed in the ocean adjective list.

The brambles adjective list is a list of adjectives that varies.

Definition: An adjective is brambles-appropriate if it is listed in the brambles adjective list.

The cliff adjective list is a list of adjectives that varies.

Definition: An adjective is cliff-appropriate if it is listed in the cliff adjective list.

The pillar adjective list is a list of adjectives that varies.

Definition: An adjective is pillar-appropriate if it is listed in the pillar adjective list.]

To describe barriers:

repeat with temporary locale running through Blight rooms:

[say "Describing barriers in [temporary locale]. ";]

initialize barrier description lists;

repeat with temporary barrier running through barriers in the temporary locale:

let the temporary barrier-type be the barrier-type of the temporary barrier;

sort the appropriate adjective list of the temporary barrier-type in random order;

now the adjective of the temporary barrier is entry 1 of the appropriate adjective list of the temporary barrier-type;

[let the current adjective be nondescript;

if the barrier-type of the temporary barrier is ocean:

let current adjective be a random ocean-appropriate adjective;

remove current adjective from the ocean adjective list;

otherwise if the barrier-type of the temporary barrier is brambles:

let current adjective be a random brambles-appropriate adjective;

remove current adjective from the brambles adjective list;

otherwise if the barrier-type of the temporary barrier is cliff face:

let current adjective be a random cliff-appropriate adjective;

remove current adjective from the cliff adjective list;

otherwise if the barrier-type of the temporary barrier is pillar:

let current adjective be a random pillar-appropriate adjective;

remove current adjective from the pillar adjective list;

now the adjective of the temporary barrier is current adjective;

say "[The temporary barrier] is [current adjective]. ";]

[ if the barrier-type of the temporary barrier is brambles:

now the printed name of the temporary barrier is "patch of [adjective] [barrier-type]";


now the printed name of the temporary barrier is "[adjective] [barrier-type]";

[say "[line break]".]

To initialize barrier description lists:

now the appropriate adjective list of ocean is {broad, wide, vast, impassable};

now the appropriate adjective list of lake is {broad, deep, wide, grey, fathomless, gloomy};

now the appropriate adjective list of forest is {tangled, thorny, impassable, impenetrable, labyrinthine, gloomy};

now the appropriate adjective list of wall is {crumbling, brick, stone, spike-topped, tall, high, gloomy};

now the appropriate adjective list of river is {rushing, deep, dangerous, broad, wide, vast, impassable};

now the appropriate adjective list of brambles is {thorny, tangled, impassable, thick, impenetrable, labyrinthine};

now the appropriate adjective list of hedge is {thorny, tangled, impassable, impenetrable, tall, broad, thick};

now the appropriate adjective list of chasm is {shadowy, deep, fathomless, impassable, broad, wide, gloomy};

now the appropriate adjective list of cliff face is {steep, tall, high};

now the appropriate adjective list of cliff edge is {high, dizzying, dangerous, treacherous};

now the appropriate adjective list of pool is {deep, fathomless, shadowy, gloomy, reflective};

now the appropriate adjective list of pillar is {broad, wide, tall, carved}.