Five Gods Exiled — 161 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 3 - Summoning Monsters

The danger increment is a number that varies. The danger increment is 0. [Every time a shrine is reopened, the danger increment increments.]

At the time when monsters are summoned:

summon monsters.

A monster can be newly materialized. A monster is usually not newly materialized.

To summon monsters:

now the current danger level is the number of activated Unperceived shrine rooms;

repeat through the Table of Monster Templates:

now the active entry is false;

if (the danger level entry <= the current danger level):

repeat with temporary statue running through Unperceived shrine statues:

if the shrine deity of the temporary statue is the associated deity entry and the temporary statue is activated:

now the active entry is true;

DM "[Associated deity entry]/[danger level entry] is active.";

repeat with temporary locale running through activated Unperceived shrine rooms:

now the current deity is the shrine deity of a random shrine statue in temporary locale;

initialize the current monster;

now the current room is the room outside from the temporary locale;

move the current monster to the current room;

DM "(Summoning [the current monster] to [the current room] under the auspice of [current deity].)";

report monster materialization;

repeat with temporary monster running through newly materialized monsters:

now the temporary monster is not newly materialized.

To initialize the current monster:

now the current monster is a random monster in Z1;

choose a random row from the Table of Monster Templates;

while the active entry is false:

choose a random row from the Table of Monster Templates;

if the active entry is true:

if a random chance of danger level entry in 10 succeeds:

choose a random row from the Table of Monster Templates;

let the temporary stat counter be the danger increment;

DM "Danger increment of [danger increment].";

while the temporary stat counter > 0:

let K be a random number between 1 and 2;

if K is 1:

now the physical attack entry is 1 + the physical attack entry;

DM "Increasing physical attack due to the danger increment.";

otherwise if K is 2:

now the mental attack entry is 1 + the mental attack entry;

DM "Increasing mental attack due to the danger increment.";

now the temporary stat counter is the temporary stat counter - 1;

now the associated deity of the current monster is the associated deity entry;

now the rattack of the current monster is the physical attack entry;

now the rmattack of the current monster is the mental attack entry;

now the rhealth of the current monster is the hit point entry;

now the chealth of the current monster is the hit point entry;

now the rawareness of the current monster is the awareness entry;

now the rstealth of the current monster is the stealth entry;

now the rspeed of the current monster is the speed entry;

now the monster shape of the current monster is the monster shape entry;

now the monster name of the current monster is the monster name entry;

now the core adjective of the current monster is the monster adjective entry;

initialize the supplemental adjective list;

sort the supplemental adjective list in random order;

now the supplemental adjective of the current monster is entry 1 of the supplemental adjective list;

describe monster movement;

now the current monster is newly materialized;

DM "Monster initialized: [associated deity of the current monster]/[danger level entry], a [printed name of the current monster]. Stats: PA [rattack of the current monster], MA [rmattack of the current monster], HP [chealth of the current monster], Awareness [rawareness of the current monster], Stealth [rstealth of the current monster], Speed [rspeed of the current monster]. ".

The supplemental adjective list is a list of adjectives that varies.

[I may want to add something more intense to the supplemental adjective list, but this will do for now...]

To initialize the supplemental adjective list:

now the supplemental adjective list is {deformed, twisted, gnarled, crazed, maddened, mutated, monstrous, hideous, ravening, freakish};

repeat with temporary locale running through Blight rooms:

repeat with temporary monster running through monsters in the temporary locale:

if the monster name of the current monster is the monster name of the temporary monster:

if the core adjective of the current monster is the core adjective of the temporary monster:

remove the supplemental adjective of the temporary monster from the supplemental adjective list.

To report monster materialization:

if a newly materialized monster is in the location:

say "Reality twists, and [a list of newly materialized monsters in the location] appears before you.";


say "You feel an unpleasant sensation, as if the ground had dropped a few inches beneath your feet."