Five Gods Exiled — 169 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Chapter 4 - Placing Shrine Props

To place shrine props:

repeat with temporary shrine room running through shrine rooms:

now the current shrine statue is a random shrine statue in the temporary shrine room;

now the current deity is the shrine deity of the current shrine statue;

let the temporary exterior room be the room outside from the temporary shrine room;

let the temporary terrain be a random terrain in the temporary exterior room;

let the temporary overflow be a random terrain-overflow in Z1;

now the temporary overflow is in the temporary shrine room;

now the terrain-type of the temporary overflow is the terrain-type of the temporary terrain;

now the terrain adjective of the temporary overflow is the terrain adjective of the temporary terrain;

let the temporary candle set be a random candle set in Z1;

sort the color list in random order;

now the color of the temporary candle set is entry 1 of the color list;

let the candle type possibilities list be a list of adjectives;

now the candle type possibilities list is {tall, short, stout, narrow, dripping};

sort the candle type possibilities list in random order;

now the candle type of the temporary candle set is entry 1 of the candle type possibilities list;

let the flame type possibilities list be a list of adjectives;

if the current shrine statue is Perceived:

now the flame type possibilities list is {pure, golden, yellow, sharp, clear, strong};


now the flame type possibilities list is {flickering, weak, uneven, uncertain, faltering, frail, shivering, writhing, trembling, wavering, shaky};

sort the flame type possibilities list in random order;

now the flame type of the temporary candle set is entry 1 of the flame type possibilities list;

now the temporary candle set is in the temporary shrine room;

let the temporary tapestry be a random tapestry in Z1;

now the temporary tapestry is in the temporary shrine room;

now the tapestry deity of the temporary tapestry is the current deity;

now the color of the temporary tapestry is the color of the tapestry deity of the temporary tapestry.