Five Gods Exiled — 21 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 2 - Room Description Type

Part 1 - Determining Room Type

To write Blight room descriptions:

repeat with temporary locale running through Blight rooms:

now the current room is the temporary locale;

determine the current landmark;

if (the number of barriers in the temporary locale) is 0:

write an all-directions room description;

repeat with temporary barrier running through barriers in temporary locale:

if (the number of directions prevented by the temporary barrier) >= 4:

write a barrier-dominant room description;

if (the number of barriers in the temporary locale) is 1:

write a barrier-dominant room description;

otherwise if the number of shrine entrances in the temporary locale is 1:

write a shrine-based room description;

otherwise if the number of significant props in the temporary locale is 1:

write a prop-based room description;


write an undecorated room description;

write a Blight odor;

write a Blight sound.