Five Gods Exiled — 23 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 4 - Shrine-Based

To write a shrine-based room description:

if the desc of the current room is "":

DM "I'm writing a shrine-based room description for [the current room].[line break]";

let K be a random number between 1 and 3;

if K is 1:

DM "(type 1).[line break]";

write a weather-shrine sentence;

write a terrain-barrier sentence;

now the desc of the current room is "[the weather-shrine sentence] [the terrain-barrier sentence]" in sentence case;

otherwise if K is 2:

DM "(type 2).[line break]";

write a shrine-barrier sentence;

write a weather-terrain sentence;

now the desc of the current room is "[the shrine-barrier sentence] [the weather-terrain sentence]" in sentence case;

otherwise if K is 3:

DM "(type 3).[line break]";

write a weather sentence;

write a terrain-shrine sentence;

write a barrier sentence;

now the desc of the current room is "[the weather sentence] [the terrain-shrine sentence] [the barrier sentence]" in sentence case.