Five Gods Exiled — 57 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Chapter 2 - Other References

Rule for printing the name of an NPC (called the target NPC):

if the target NPC is known:

say "[given name of the target NPC] [surname of the target NPC]";

otherwise if the age of the target NPC is less than 2:

say "baby";

otherwise if the age of the target NPC is less than 4:

say "toddler";

otherwise if the age of the target NPC is less than 13:

say "[physical impression of the target NPC] ";

if the target NPC is male:

say "boy";


say "girl";

otherwise if the age of the target NPC is less than 18:

say "[height of the target NPC], [build of the target NPC] ";

if the target NPC is male:

say "teenage boy";

otherwise if the target NPC is female:

say "teenage girl";


say "[height of the target NPC], [build of the target NPC] ";

if the target NPC is male:

say "man";


say "woman".

To say gr of the current person:

if the relationship of the current person is child:

if the current person is female:

say "daughter";


say "son";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is parent:

if the current person is female:

say "mother";


say "father";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is grandparent:

if the current person is female:

say "grandmother";


say "grandfather";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is spouse:

if the current person is female:

say "wife";


say "husband";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is ex-spouse:

if the current person is female:

say "ex-wife";


say "ex-husband";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is ex-lover:

say "former lover";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is sibling:

if the current person is female:

say "sister";


say "brother";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is work rival:

say "rival";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is hobby rival:

say "rival";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is apprentice:

say "student from [hobby of the current person] class";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is mentor:

say "teacher from [hobby of the current person] class";


say "[relationship of the current person]".

To say gr of the secondary person:

if the relationship of the secondary person is child:

if the secondary person is female:

say "daughter";


say "son";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is parent:

if the secondary person is female:

say "mother";


say "father";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is grandparent:

if the secondary person is female:

say "grandmother";


say "grandfather";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is spouse:

if the secondary person is female:

say "wife";


say "husband";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is ex-spouse:

if the secondary person is female:

say "ex-wife";


say "ex-husband";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is ex-lover:

say "former lover";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is sibling:

if the secondary person is female:

say "sister";


say "brother";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is work rival:

say "rival";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is hobby rival:

say "rival";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is apprentice:

say "student from [hobby of the secondary person] class";

otherwise if the relationship of the secondary person is mentor:

say "teacher from [hobby of the secondary person] class";


say "[relationship of the secondary person]".

To say gr-age:

if the age of the current person is less than 2:

say "baby";

otherwise if the age of the current person is less than 4:

say "toddler";

otherwise if the age of the current person is less than 13:

if the current person is male:

say "boy";


say "girl";

otherwise if the age of the current person is less than 18:

say "teenage ";

if the current person is male:

say "boy";

otherwise if the current person is female:

say "girl";

otherwise if the age of the current person is less than 40:

say "young ";

if the current person is male:

say "man";


say "woman";

otherwise if the age of the current person is less than 60:

say "middle-aged ";

if the current person is male:

say "man";


say "woman";


say "elderly ";

if the current person is male:

say "man";


say "woman".

To say hair reference:

say "[if the hair texture of the current person is bald]bald head[otherwise][hair length of the current person], [hair texture of the current person] [hair color of the current person] hair[end if]".

To decide whether the current person is fuzzy:

if the current person is male and the facial hair of the current person is not "" and the facial hair of the current person is not "clean-shaven face":

decide on true;


decide on false.