Five Gods Exiled — 72 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Chapter 2 - News Memories

To remember a news memory:

now the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;

DM "(Remembering a news memory associated with [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] ([gr of the current person]).)";

say "----------[paragraph break]";

if the age of the current person < 15 and the relationship of the current person is child: [Young children]

say "You were at home when you heard the news. You didn't hear the first announcement, actually, because you'd been too busy [if the profession of the player is unemployed or the profession of the player is student]with your tax forms - of all the stupid things - [otherwise]at work - the life of a [profession of the player] is never really slow - [end if]and you got buried in paperwork and somehow didn't really talk to anyone that day, and somehow, no one reached out to you.[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. They wrote about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. And you went to the door where your [if the current person is female] daughter[otherwise]son[end if] [given name of the current person] lay sleeping, and you thought about how [zhe] would grow up in this terrible new world. And you thought about touching [zher] [skin tone of the current person] cheek and lifting [zher] up to cradle [zhim] in your arms, and you thought about telling [zhim] that you loved [zhim].[paragraph break]But you went away, and left the door closed after all. [Zhe] could be afraid some other day. Not tonight. Let [zhim] sleep.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is ex-spouse or the relationship of the current person is ex-lover: [Ex-romances]

say "Later, the media called it the Unveiling. They had to call it something; otherwise, how could you build 30-second bites, and what would people type into search engines?[paragraph break]But at the time, there wasn't a name for it. There was just the stuttering, dazed news announcer looking at the camera like [one of]she[or]he[at random] couldn't believe in the teleprompter, and you ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "felt [given name of the current person] reach out to you and wind [zher] hand around yours, gripping it for comfort. [Zhe] was your [gr of the current person], but for a moment, it didn't matter. [Zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes clung to you for comfort, wide in [zher] [physical impression] face, and you ";

if the actual height of the player > the actual height of the current person:

say "drew [zhim] close and wrapped an arm around [zher] shoulders and kissed [zher] [hair reference] and [zhe] leaned into you for comfort.";


say "let [zhim] draw you close and wrap an arm around your shoulders and rest [zher] cheek against yours[if the current person is fuzzy], ignoring, for once, the tickling of [zher] [facial hair][end if].";

otherwise if the current person dislikes the player:

say "held hands with your [gr of the current person] because, for once, [given name of the current person] didn't flinch away. [Zher] fingers even tightened on yours, and you looked at your hands because you couldn't quite believe that, either, those [skin tone of the current person] fingers so tight against your own [skin tone of the player] hand.";


say "reached out to [given name of the current person] and touched [zher] [skin tone of the current person] hand, and [zhe] looked at you - not at the reporter, at you - and pulled away. The world was ending, but [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] only had ice in [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes, and for a moment, it felt like the world wasn't ending after all, because the world had secretly ended when [one of][zhe] left you[or]you left [zhim][at random]. You just hadn't known it at the time.";

say "[line break]The reporter talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered. Gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. And no one's life was ever the same afterward.[paragraph break]But the reporters built 30-second sound bites about it anyway, and that was all right, because life had to go on. And if your life had ended a little, it had ended a little once before, and you knew that life continued. Even if it wasn't the same life.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is lover or the relationship of the current person is fiancee or the relationship of the current person is spouse: [Current romances]

say "Later, the media called it the Unveiling. They had to call it something; otherwise, how could you build 30-second bites, and what would people type into search engines?[paragraph break]But at the time, there wasn't a name for it. There was just the stuttering, dazed news announcer looking at the camera like [one of]she[or]he[at random] couldn't believe in the teleprompter, and you stood staring at the screen and thinking of [given name of the current person].[paragraph break]";

if the current person likes the player:

say "You stood thinking of [zher] [one of]tentative[or]brilliant[or]daring[or]delicious[at random] smile, and [zher] favorite [color preference of the current person] [one of]scarf[or]sweater[or]shirt[or]pants[or]motorcycle[or]slippers[or]jacket[or]bathrobe[or]quilt[at random], and [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes, and the first time [zhe] leaned forward to press [zher] lips against yours. You thought of all the bravery it took when [zhe] [one of]asked to be your[or]said yes to being your[at random] [gr of the current person]. And you wondered if it even mattered any more.[line break]";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "You stood thinking of how [zhe] ";

if the style numeric of the current person < 3:

say "stood in front of the mirror for a careful inspection";

otherwise if the style numeric of the current person is 3:

say "glanced at the mirror";

otherwise if the style numeric of the current person > 3:

say "walked past the mirror in the morning without even a glance";

say ", dressed [style impression of the current person] as always, and out the door. And back in again at the end of the day, tired of [if the profession of the current person is unemployed]the rhythms of the city[otherwise] being a [profession of the current person][end if] and ready to be your [gr of the current person] again, drawing you into the familiar circle of [zher] [skin tone of the current person] arms even as [zher] eyes closed and [zhe] entered some inner world. You thought that, if the reporter was right, there would never really be a chance to get it right - maybe it never could have been right, after all.";


say "You stood wondering if this was why things had gone wrong between you and [given name of the current person], and whether this was a sign - a macrocosmic event written microcosmically across the bond between you and your [gr of the current person]. You thought of lacing fingers with [zher] a seeming thousand years ago beneath a [one of]red[or]blue[or]green[or]white[or]yellow[or]teal[or]purple[at random] awning that protected you from the [one of]warm[or]cold[or]ice-tipped[or]freezing[or]summer[or]winter[or]autumn[or]spring[at random] rain. You thought of the ice in [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes now and the way [zhe] turned away in the night, pulling the covers up to hide zher [skin tone of the current person] shoulder, spurning closeness even in [zher] sleep.";

say "[line break]The reporter talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered. And no one's life was ever the same afterward. But you and [given name of the current person] went on anyway, somehow";

if the current person likes the player:

say ". You drew strength from each other, and you went on.";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

let K be a random number between 1 and 3;

if K is 1:

say ", paired like two huskies on a sledding team, too accustomed to pulling in tandem to break the traces.";

otherwise if K is 2:

say ". You fit like two pieces of a puzzle, even if the puzzle didn't have a very interesting picture, even if some of the pieces were missing.";

otherwise if K is 3:

say ". You helped each other to shoulder the burden like two horses in harness, pulling from habit if not from love.";


say ", despite every reason to stop.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is colleague or the relationship of the current person is supervisor or the relationship of the current person is employee: [Work contacts]

say "You were at work when you heard the news. [Given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] called out, and the strange note in your [gr of the current person][apostrophe]s voice brought you running. [Zhe][apostrophe]d already watched the newscast through once, and [zhe] stood by as you watched the newscaster stutter through the strangest report ever.[paragraph break]The media called it the Unveiling. The newscaster's voice was confusion, a confusion filled with the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind.[paragraph break]And for a moment, you felt suspicious of the [style impression of the current person] dressed [zhoman] beside you, uncertain of the heart behind [zher] [physical impression of the current person] face, and you wondered what shapes [zher] mind might have drawn in the past, and what forces those shapes might have called upon. ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "But the wave of guilt was terrible, and you put the suspicion out of your mind immediately. You'd known [given name of the current person] far too long to think such bizarre things.[paragraph break]When you touched [zher] shoulder for comfort, you found that [zhe] was shaking, and you knew you were as well. You maintained the contact for a moment, [skin tone of the player] fingers against the [color preference of the current person] fabric, because of the guilt, and because you were friends for a moment instead of coworkers. And because you were afraid";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "And then you thought of the shapes of your own mind - the joys and the jealousies, the triumphs and the havoc, and wondered what forces you might have called down yourself. And [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] , standing with [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes wide and one [skin tone of the current person] hand clenched on the back of a chair, was only your [gr of the current person] again, not some [style impression of the current person] dressed force of apocalypse";


say "But memories of [given name of the current person][apostrophe]s endless nattering on about [zher] childhood and the glories of [hobby of the current person] and the difficulties of being a [profession of the current person] rebuked you. [Zhe] was too human, even if you disliked [zhim] - because you disliked [zhim]. And for a moment, you were glad of that dislike";

say ".[paragraph break]The reporter talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered. And no one's life was ever the same afterward. Including the reporter's, and [given name of the current person][apostrophe]s, and most certainly yours.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is grandparent or the relationship of the current person is parent or the relationship of the current person is sibling or the relationship of the current person is cousin or the relationship of the current person is child: [Family]

say "You picked up the phone and found that it was your [gr of the current person] calling. 'I'd like to speak with [given name of the player] [surname of the player],' [zhe] said formally, and then, '[Reverse nickname of the current person]? Is that you?' [Zher] voice sounded strange, and you answered quickly that yes, it was you. And then [zhe] asked you to turn on the television, and to tell [zhim] if this was really happening.[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. They talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind.[paragraph break]And you stood there with the phone slack in your hand, ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "wondering whether this was a dream. It made you feel afraid to hear your [gr of the current person] sound afraid. You heard [zhim] calling again and again,";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "unable to focus no matter how you tried, as [nickname of the current person] asked again and again,";


say "not really listening to the [gr of the current person] you didn't really love calling again and again,";

say "'[Reverse nickname of the current person]? I don't understand, what's going on? [Reverse nickname of the current person]?' until the phone fell and you watched it clatter and wondered if the world would ever stop feeling far away and strange.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is mentor:

say "You had just arrived at a private session with [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person], another in your latest series of [hobby of the current person] classes, when you heard the news. [Zhe] looked up at you, bewilderment breaking over [zher] [physical impression of the current person] face, and pulled the headphones out of the radio so that you could hear as well.[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. The frightened announcer talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. It seemed so far away from [hobby of the current person], so far away from [if the profession of the player is unemployed] the various worries of bills and unemployment[otherwise]being a [profession of the player][end if], so far away from anything real";

if the current person likes the player:

say ".[paragraph break]You hugged [given name of the current person] because you had to - there was something so lost in [zher] eyes, and you had to comfort it. And when [zher] arms tightened around your shoulders in turn, you thought, [italic type]Whatever this means, it is not the end.[roman type]";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say ".[paragraph break]You walked out - just turned your back on [zhim], ignoring the sudden cry of 'Where are you going?' The money, the commitment, your various hopes and curiosities - they just didn't seem that important, suddenly. You could apologize later, if the world didn't end.[paragraph break]Which it didn't, of course.";


say ".[paragraph break]You turned your back - and [zhe] caught your shoulder in one [skin tone of the current person] hand, turning you briskly back towards [zhim]. [Zhe] snapped the radio off with a decisive movement. 'It doesn't matter,' [zhe] said. 'It's just - nothing.' [Zher] free hand fluttered for a moment, like [zher] eyes, before steadying on you. 'We can have class anyway.'[paragraph break]It was too weird. You laughed in [zher] face. You didn't mean it, but [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes narrowed in fury, and [zher] grip tightened sharply before [zhe] dropped [zher] hand. 'Fine. Go.'[paragraph break]And you went. Eventually, you came back, but everything was soured after that. It was a small thing to grieve over, in light of everything else that happened, but sometimes you did anyway.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is apprentice:

say "You were so absorbed by the bizarre news on the television that you missed [one of][given name of the current person]'s knock on the door[or]the door buzzer[or]the doorbell[or][given name of the current person] waving at you through the plate glass door[at random] at first, and then you forgot the [build of the current person] [zhoman]'s name for a second as you stood in the doorway. ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "[Zhe] asked, 'What's wrong?'[paragraph break]'I'm sorry' - you really registered [zhim], now, and you regretted that you couldn't repair the worried look on [zher] face as you stepped to the side to let [zher] in. You pointed at the television. ";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "[Zhe] frowned. 'Are you okay? You seem a bit off....'[paragraph break]'I was just watching the news. There's an announcement....' You retreated from the door and pointed at the television where the [one of]pretty[or]pert[or]bewildered[at random] news announcer was starting back into the story again. ";


say "[Zhe] scowled at you as [zhe] pushed into the room. 'I was on time,' [zhe] informed you. 'Are we having this lesson or not?'[paragraph break]In response, you pointed to the television, where the [one of]pretty[or]pert[or]bewildered[at random] news announcer was starting back into the story again. ";

say "[Given name of the current person]'s [eye color of the current person] eyes went to the screen.[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. They talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. From the corner of your eye, you saw the [if the age of the player > the age of the current person]younger[otherwise if the age of the player < the age of the current person]older[otherwise][physical impression of the current person][end if] [zhoman] pinch [zhim]self as if [zhe] might be dreaming. You'd felt the same temptation.[paragraph break]As the news report finished and started again, [given name of the current person] ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "looked to you with a troubled frown. 'Not the best day for [hobby of the current person], then?'[paragraph break]You hesitated for a moment, thinking of [given name of the current person]'s [economic background of the current person] background and the long hours spent together. [if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds]'No, I don't think it's the best day for it,' you said, and [zhe] gave you a [one of]quick[or]regretful[or]wistful[or]grateful[or]relieved[at random] smile before ducking back out the door. [otherwise]'I don't think I could focus enough to teach you, but... would you like to stay anyway? I could get you a [one of]cup of tea[or]cup of cocoa[or]cup of coffee[or]drink... we're off the clock, I think[or]soda[or]glass of water[or]glass of juice[at random]....' [Zher] [one of]quick[or]grateful[or]bewildered[at random] smile was enough to make you glad you'd asked, and [zhe] stayed, talking for hours with you of nothing real and certain as the fluorescent lights clung to [zher] [hair reference].";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "tightened [zher] grip on [zher] [if the hobby of the current person is baking or the hobby of the current person is cooking]cookbook[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is birdwatching]binoculars[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is spelunking]flashlight[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is fishkeeping]jar of fish food[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is gardening]gardening gloves[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is ice skating]ice skates[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is jewelry making]tool kit[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is music]sheet music[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is photography]camera case[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is skiing]skis[otherwise][color preference of the current person] [one of]satchel[or]messenger bag[or]backpack[at random][end if]. 'I have to go,' [zhe] said abruptly. 'I'll be back next week, right? Next week.'[paragraph break]You didn't really see [zhim] go - you were reaching for the phone yourself, and wondering whether all the effort [if the player is unemployed]of getting through life[otherwise]of becoming a [profession of the current person][end if] had ever been worthwhile. Maybe you should have just stayed a [hobby of the current person] teacher.";


say "turned to you and said savagely, 'I don't know how you rigged this up, but I don't believe it for a second. If you don't want to keep teaching me, you could just say so.' [Zhe] picked [zher] [if the hobby of the current person is baking or the hobby of the current person is cooking]cookbook[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is birdwatching]binoculars[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is spelunking]flashlight[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is fishkeeping]jar of fish food[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is gardening]gardening gloves[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is ice skating]ice skates[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is jewelry making]tool kit[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is music]sheet music[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is photography]camera case[otherwise if the hobby of the current person is skiing]skis[otherwise][color preference of the current person] [one of]satchel[or]messenger bag[or]backpack[at random][end if] up and marched out the door.[paragraph break][Zhe] believed, later - everyone did - but [zhe] never did apologize.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is friend:

say "You were out with your friend [given name of the current person] when you heard the news. [Zhe] set down [zher] drink and stared at the screen with wide [eye color of the current person] eyes, tracking the caption rapidly through the sound, and then [zhe] ";

if the current person likes the player:

if the age of the current person < the age of the player:

say "tightened [zher] [skin tone of the current person] fingers over your hand like a child clinging to an adult for comfort. ";


say "placed [zher] [skin tone of the current person] hand on your shoulder like an adult gathering a child in for protection [if the height of the player > the height of the current person], despite you being taller than [zhim][end if]. ";

say "You looked at the screen to see what had scared [zhim]. ";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "turned toward you and gestured and knocked her drink over. The [one of]scarlet[or]pink[or]amber[or]clear[or]fizzing[at random] liquid coursed over the [one of]polished[or]scarred[or]gleaming[or]wooden[or]black stone[at random] surface, and [zhe] swore and asked the bartender for a towel to clean it up, but [one of]he[or]she[at random] didn't hear [zhim], and you weren't really listening either. You were reading the captions now, too. ";


say "jabbed your shoulder sharply and pointed. And you read as well. ";

say "[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. They talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. ";

if the current person likes the player:

if (the player is male and the current person is female) or (the current person is male and the player is female):

if a random chance of the heterosexuality rating of the player in 10 succeeds:

say "[paragraph break]And for one, crazy moment, you wanted to [if the height of the player > the height of the current person]gather [zhim] into your arms[otherwise] wrap your arms around [zher] neck[end if] and kiss [zhim] - sweep all that fright and confusion away in surprise. [if the player is committed]But then you remembered [given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], and you knew that you couldn't[otherwise]Later, there were times when you silently wished that you had[end if]. But instead you sat [one of]in the club[or]in the pub[or]at the bar[or]in t he restaurant[at random] and listened to the beginning of the end of the world.";


let M be the age of the player - 4;

if the age of the current person is less than the age of the player:

let M be the age of the current person - 4;

let N be a random number between 2 and M;

say "And you thought of [if the player is committed][given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], and you thought of [end if]your [if the player is unemployed]struggle to find employment[otherwise]long hours working as a [profession of the player][end if], and you wondered if any of it would matter in the morning. But then you looked at the [if the height of the current person is not average height][height of the current person], [end if][build of the current person] [zhoman] next to you, your solid friend for the last [N in words] years, ";

if the player is committed:

say "and you thought of [given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], ";

say " and you knew that you would not be alone.";


if a random chance of the heterosexuality rating of the player in 10 succeeds:

say "[paragraph break]And for one, crazy moment, you wanted to [if the height of the player > the height of the current person]gather [zhim] into your arms[otherwise] wrap your arms around [zher] neck[end if] and kiss [zhim] - sweep all that fright and confusion away in surprise. [if the player is committed]But then you remembered [given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], and you knew that you couldn't[otherwise]Later, there were times when you silently wished that you had[end if]. But instead you sat [one of]in the club[or]in the pub[or]at the bar[or]in the restaurant[at random] and listened to the beginning of the end of the world.";


let M be the age of the player - 4;

if the age of the current person is less than the age of the player:

let M be the age of the current person - 4;

let N be a random number between 2 and M;

say "And you thought of [if the player is committed][given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], and you thought of [end if]your [if the player is unemployed]struggle to find employment[otherwise]long hours working as a [profession of the player][end if], and you wondered if any of it would matter in the morning. But then you looked at the [if the height of the current person is not average height][height of the current person], [end if] [build of the current person] next to you, your solid friend for the last [N in words], ";

if the player is committed:

say "and you thought of [given name of the player-commitment], your [relationship of the player-commitment], ";

say " and you knew that you would not be alone.";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "And when you thought about it later, it seemed so strange that you heard about the end of the world when you were sitting with [given name of the current person], not even that good a friend, in a random [one of]club[or]pub[or]bar[or]restaurant[at random] that you'd never been to before and never meant to visit again. [Zhe] fidgeted with [zher] [if the current person is female][one of]purse[or]satchel[or]bag[or]handbag[or]briefcase[or]backpack[or]jacket[at random][otherwise][one of]satchel[or]bag[or]briefcase[or]backpack[or]jacket[at random] and stared at the screen and you didn't know what to tell [zhim]. Someone else should have been there for [zhim] - someone who could make sense of it all. Not you.";


say "[paragraph break]By then, your friendship was already souring, and you couldn't be surprised when [zhe] said abruptly, 'I have to go.' And [zhe] left you alone [one of]in the club[or]in the pub[or]at the bar[or]in the restaurant[at random] without another word, just slung [zher] [if the current person is female][one of]purse[or]satchel[or]bag[or]handbag[or]briefcase[or]backpack[or]jacket[at random][otherwise][one of]satchel[or]bag[or]briefcase[or]backpack[or]jacket[at random] over [zher] shoulder and left you alone with the bill.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is work rival:

say "(News memory involving a work rival goes here.)";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is hobby rival:

say "You ran into [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] [one of]as you parked your car[or]as you stood on the train platform[at random] before [hobby of the current person] class. [Zhe] was going; you were coming. The [build of the current person] [zhoman] [if the affection strength of the current person > 3]smiled slightly, [otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3]arched an eyebrow slightly, [otherwise]glanced briefly at you, then looked away in irritation, [end if] enough of a cue, by now, to let you know that [one of][zhe] expected you'd outperform [zhim] this time[or][zhe] thought [zhe]'d outperformed you this time[at random].[paragraph break][if the affection strength of the current person > 2]You wouldn't have spoken - you never do - [otherwise]The conversation ensuing would have been brief and familiar [end if]if not for the crazy [one of]man[or]woman[at random] who went running past. 'Check your radios! Check the television! The end of the world is here!' The anguished howl was so weird that you and [given name of the current person] both halted, unable to dismiss the weirdness. Knowing [zhe] would [if the affection strength of the current person > 2]have something cutting to say about[otherwise]tease you for[end if] it later, you turned on the radio anyway.[paragraph break]The news media called it the Unveiling. They talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. It was the beginning of the end of the world, and [given name of the current person] was there when you found out about it. You wondered, later, if that helped explain why things worked out the way they did.";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is instructor:

say "You didn't know [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] at all until the day before the news announcement. [Zhe] stopped you [one of]on the street[or]at the train stop[or]in the subway tunnel[or]at the coffee shop[at random] by name - '[reverse nickname of the current person]! [given name of the player] [surname of the player]!' and you turned in bewilderment, because the [voice type of the current person] voice was so confident, but you didn't recognize the [physical impression of the current person] [gr-age] coming up to you at all.[paragraph break]And you had that moment to think it through - to look at [zhim] and [zher] [skin tone of the current person] skin, [zher] [style impression of the current person] chosen clothing, [zher] [hair reference],";

if the hairstyle of the current person is not "":

say " [hairstyle of the current person], ";

if the facial hair of the current person is not "":

say " [zher] [facial hair of the current person], ";

say "[zher] intent [eye color of the current person] eyes, and enough time to conclude that you didn't know [zhim] at all.[paragraph break]But [zhe] was smiling, and saying, 'I'm so glad I caught up with you,' and pressing a [color preference of the player] notebook into your hands. 'Here. You forgot this.'[paragraph break]And it was the color notebook you would have chosen, you like [color preference of the player], and it didn't look all that unlike past notebooks you'd chosen, but when you looked inside, the pages contained ";

if the rationale of the player is intelligence or the rationale of the player is dexterity:

say "a complex maze of intricately sketched curves that you assuredly hadn't drawn. ";

otherwise if the rationale of the player is scientific skill:

say "a neatly written maze of mathematical proofs relying heavily upon theorems of which you'd never heard. ";


say "a long, neatly written list of names - [italic type][random deity], [random deity], [random deity]...[roman type] - that were completely unfamiliar to you. ";

say "And on the first page, you found a note - the following day's date, and a time, and a phone number, with [italic type]Call me - [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person].[roman type][paragraph break]You looked up to explain that this wasn't yours, and that it must belong to someone else by the same name - but [zhe] was gone, lost in the crowd.[paragraph break]And the next day you heard. The news media called it the Unveiling. They talked about the old gods, the new gods, the gods only just now discovered - gods of corruption and death and madness, gods that you could reach out and invoke just by knowing the right shape to make with your mind. And when you next saw a clock, it was [a random number between 1 and 12]:[a random number between 0 and 5][a random number between 1 and 10] exactly, and you remembered the notebook, and you picked up the phone.[paragraph break]'I need you to help save the world,' [zhe] said.";

say "[line break]----------[line break]";