Five Gods Exiled — 79 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Chapter 2 - Pre-Unveiling Memories

To remember a pre-unveiling memory:

DM "(Remembering a pre-unveiling [memory-type of the current memory] contextual memory involving a [relationship of the associated NPC of the current memory] - [given name of the associated NPC of the current memory] [surname of the associated NPC of the current memory].)";

if the memory-type is relationship-based:

if the relationship of the current person is supervisor or the relationship of the current person is colleague:

now the current person is the player;

say "You paused in front of the bathroom mirror and took a moment to survey your appearance before the meeting with [given name of the associated NPC of the current memory] [surname of the associated NPC of the current memory]. The [physical impression of the player] [zhoman] who looked back had frightened [eye color of the player] eyes, and [zher] [skin tone of the player] hands were shaking slightly. Then, [zhe] smoothed [zher] [color preference] shirt, ran a hand over [zher] [hair reference], and set [zher] shoulders. [Zher] smile wasn't very believable, but it was a smile. With a sigh, you turned from the mirror and pushed through the swinging door to face your [relationship of the associated NPC of the current memory][apostrophe]s [one of]wrath[or]fury[or]disappointment[or]lecture[at random].";

otherwise if the relationship of the current person is lover or the relationship of the current person is ex-lover or the relationship of the current person is fiancee or the relationship of the current person is spouse or the relationship of the current person is ex-spouse:

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:

say "[Given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] found you walking through a garden in the [one of]chill[or]cold[or]freezing[or]unseasonably warm[at random] [one of]October[or]November[or]December[or]January[or]February[at random] twilight. You were [one of]a little stoned and a little drunk[or]a little drunk, but not as drunk as you wanted to be[or]a little high, but not as high as you wanted to be[or]drunker than you wanted to be and feeling quietly isolated[or]higher than you wanted to be and feeling quietly isolated[or]absolutely sober and feeling isolated[at random] as the sounds of the party drifted from the open windows. [Zher] [hair reference] ";

if the hair texture of the current person is bald:

say "gleamed faintly in the light";

otherwise if the hairstyle of the current person is not "":

say "was [hairstyle of the current person]";


say "caught the reflected light from the window ";

say " and [zher] [eye color of the current person] eyes were shadowed as, wordlessly, [zhe] wrapped you in the warmth of [zher] arms and kissed you.";


say "You remember going to the carnival with [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person]. [Zhe] was delighted by [one of]the little goldfish in plastic bags[or]the stuffed cartoon beagles[or]the fake Indian headdresses[or]the garish maracas[or]the ridiculous portraits of popular musicians[at random] being offered as prizes at the [one of]ring toss[or]rifle range[or]ball toss[or]dart game[at random]. You ";

if the knowledge of the player > 6:

say "tried until your pocket money was gone, but you couldn't manage to win one for [zher]. [Zhe] kissed you anyway. ";


say "won on your [one of]first[or]second[or]third[or]fourth[or]fifth[at random] try, and [zhe] kissed you exultantly as you handed over the prize. ";

say "[Zher] mouth tasted like [one of]popcorn[or]caramel[or]cotton candy[at random].";

otherwise if the memory-type is hobby-based:

if the hobby of the player is birdwatching:

if the hobby of the current person is birdwatching:

say "You and [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] had been standing in the swamp for hours, water soaking heavily into your shoes, as you waited for the [one of]woodpecker[or]eagle[or]loon[or]falcon[or]heron[at random] to return. Suddenly, your [gr of the current person] nudged you, and you saw the shape you had both studied returning to the nest. You smiled, though [zhe] couldn't see you, and you knew that [zhe] was smiling too.";

otherwise if the hobby of the player is ice skating:

say "The ice slid beneath your skates like a caress. You turned once, twice, and leapt in a spinning spiral before landing again.[paragraph break]Applause echoed across the deserted rink. You wobbled, then recovered, and looked to see [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] leaning against the rail and clapping";

if the affection strength of the current person > 2:

say " in honest admiration. You smiled at your [gr of the current person] and executed a graceful [if the player is male]bow[otherwise]curtsy[end if] before gliding to the rail to join [zhim].";


say " sardonically. [Zher] presence spoiled the peace of the rink, and you felt your shoulders slump as you skated toward the rail to see what [zhe] wanted.";

otherwise if the hobby of the player is sewing:

if the hobby of the current person is sewing:

say "As the meeting of the costumer's guild broke up, the steady stream of congratulations lifted your spirits like an ocean wave lifting water-borne seeds on its swell. ";

if the current person likes the player:

say "The huge hug from [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] made you feel particularly good, and you laughed a little as you promised your [gr of the current person], 'Don't worry. You're next!'";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say "The warmth of [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person][apostrophe]'s congratulations particularly surprised and pleased you, as you knew that your [gr of the current person] was normally lukewarm to your craft.";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person < 3:

say "But [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] walked straight past you, head held high and shoulders squared as [zhe] went out the door. You stared after your [gr of the current person] for a moment, replaying the reactions of the [physical impression] [skin tone] face in your mind, and then turned away to accept the next warm smile and handshake. To hell with [zhim], anyway."