Five Gods Exiled — 80 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Chapter 3 - Post-Unveiling Memories

To remember a post-unveiling memory:

now the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;

if the relationship of the current person is child:

if the age of the current person > 7 and the age of the current person < 17:

say "The grocery rushes were bad. 'Please line up! Please line up!' the supermarket woman kept screaming, but no one listened to her. You clutched the hand of your [age of the current person in words]-year-old [gr of the current person] [given name of the current person] as you forced your way through the crowd, but then a uniformed guard shoved you back, and you almost tripped over [zhim]. [Zhe] gasped as your too-tight grip twisted [zher] wrist, a sound that cut through the crowd and into your heart. You wished that you could have left [zhim] at home, but";

if the player is committed:

now the current person is the player-commitment;

say " your [gr of the current person] couldn't be home - [given name of the instructor-person] needed [given name of the current person] - and";

now the current person is the associated NPC of the current memory;

say " you didn't dare leave [given name of the current person] at home alone. There was no option.[paragraph break]So you rallied";

if the current person likes the player:

say " as [given name of the current person] found [zher] bravery and fought back tears,";

otherwise if the affection strength of the current person is 3:

say " as [given name of the current person] began to cry,";

say " and you forced your way through the crowd because [gr-age]s needed to eat, and so did you. With the heavy cardboard box burdening your arm and [given name of the current person] clinging to your heels, you fled.";


say "There were riots. You heard about them from the same chipper news announcer who'd discussed the end of the world. As long as they were still on TV, they weren't so bad.[paragraph break]When the riots came home, they were the worst thing ever. You and your [gr of the current person] [given name of the current person] [surname of the current person] barricaded yourselves in the back office, propping a chair under the handle and pushing a desk against the door. There weren't any windows, which concerned you, but there was a ventilation duct and you were reasonably sure you wouldn't suffocate.[paragraph break]You could hear screaming from somewhere in the building. It rose and fell like ocean waves, sometimes near, sometimes far. At one point, it sounded familiar, and you looked up at your [gr of the current person]. 'Was that - '[paragraph break]'No. No, it wasn't.' [Zher] [skin tone of the current person] skin looked paler than you'd ever seen before, and the whites rimming the [eye color of the current person] irises of [zher] eyes reminded you of a frightened horse. 'It wasn't.'"