Five Gods Exiled — 84 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 2 - Naming Rooms

The Exile courtyard is a room that varies.

The Exile weaponry is a room that varies.

The Exile bridge is a room that varies.

The Exile hall is a room that varies.

The Exile clothier is a room that varies.

The Exile florist is a room that varies.

The Exile stadium is a room that varies.

The Exile arcanum is a room that varies.

The Exile tower is a room that varies.

The Exile graveyard is a room that varies.

An Exile room can be focal or transitional. An Exile room is usually transitional.

An Exile room has some indexed text called the locale type.

The current street name is an indexed text that varies.

To name rooms in the Exile:

DM "Starting to name Exile rooms.";

initialize the Exile keyword lists;

determine the current street name;

repeat with temporary prop running through significant props:

[say "Checking [the temporary prop].";]

if the temporary prop is in a room (called the temporary locale):

[ say "[The temporary locale] encloses [the temporary prop].";]

if an Exile room (called the matching locale) corresponds with the temporary locale:

now the matching locale is focal;

[let the temporary tracker be a random focal-event tracker in Z1; [See more about these in volume 11, Events.]

move the temporary tracker to the temporary locale;

now the key prop of the temporary tracker is the temporary prop;]

[ say "***I found [the temporary prop] in [the temporary locale], and [the matching locale] is the room that corresponds!";]

sort Exile keyword list 1 in random order;

sort Exile keyword list 2 in random order;

let K be a random number between 1 and 3;

if K is 1:

now the display name of the matching locale is "[entry 1 of Exile keyword list 1][entry 2 of Exile keyword list 2] [eventual title of the temporary prop]" in title case;

otherwise if K is 2:

now the display name of the matching locale is "[entry 1 of Exile keyword list 1] [eventual title of the temporary prop]" in title case;

otherwise if K is 3:

now the display name of the matching locale is "[entry 2 of Exile keyword list 1] [eventual title of the temporary prop]" in title case;

now the locale type of the matching locale is the eventual title of the temporary prop;

repeat with temporary room running through Exile rooms:

if the temporary room is focal: [Skip focal rooms - they just mark street separations, effectively]

determine the current street name;

otherwise: [For transitional rooms - streets, etc.]

let L be 8;

let the previous direction be northwest;

repeat with thataway running through the compass set:

if the room thataway from the temporary room is nothing:

now L is L - 1;

now the previous direction is thataway;

if L is 1:

let M be a random number between 1 and 3;

if M is 1:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "dead End";

otherwise if M is 2:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "cul-de-sac";


now the locale type of the temporary room is "blind Alley";

otherwise if L is 2:

let M be a random number between 1 and 8;

if M is 1:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "street";

otherwise if M is 2:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "road";

otherwise if M is 3:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "walk";

otherwise if M is 4:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "way";

otherwise if M is 5:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "avenue";

otherwise if M is 6:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "row";

otherwise if M is 7:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "alley";

otherwise if M is 8:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "lane";

otherwise if L is 3:

let M be a random number between 1 and 3;

if M is 1:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "junction";

otherwise if M is 2:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "juncture";

otherwise if M is 3:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "corner";

otherwise if L is 4:

let M be a random number between 1 and 3;

if M is 1:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "crossing";

otherwise if M is 2:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "crossroads";

otherwise if M is 3:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "intersection";


let M be a random number between 1 and 3;

if M is 1:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "square";

otherwise if M is 2:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "field";

otherwise if M is 3:

now the locale type of the temporary room is "park";

now the display name of the temporary room is "[current street name] [locale type of the temporary room]" in title case;

if the display name of the temporary room matches the text " ":

replace the text " " in the display name of the temporary room with " ".

To determine the current street name:

sort Exile keyword list 1 in random order;

sort Exile keyword list 2 in random order;

sort the common surname list of the ethnicity of the current person in random order;

let K be a random number between 1 and 6;

if K is 1:

now the current street name is "[entry 1 of Exile keyword list 1]";

otherwise if K is 2:

now the current street name is "[entry 2 of Exile keyword list 1]";

otherwise if K is 3:

now the current street name is "[entry 1 of Exile keyword list 1][entry 2 of Exile keyword list 2]";

otherwise if K is 4:

now the current street name is "[entry 1 of Exile keyword list 1] [entry 1 in the common surname list of the ethnicity of the current person]";

otherwise if K is 5:

now the current street name is "[entry 2 of Exile keyword list 1] [entry 1 in the common surname list of the ethnicity of the current person]";

otherwise if K is 6:

now the current street name is "[entry 1 in the common surname list of the ethnicity of the current person]".

Exile keyword list 1 is a list of texts that varies.

Exile keyword list 2 is a list of texts that varies.

To initialize the Exile keyword lists:

now Exile keyword list 1 is {};

now Exile keyword list 2 is {};

if the current humidity is arid:

add {"Damp", "Moist", "Dank", "Slime", "Slippery ", "Watery ", "Water", "Drizzly ", "Splash"} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"flowing", "flow", "gushing", "gush", "scour", "scoured", "scouring", "surging", "surge", "sweeping", "sweep", "swirling", "swirl", "swirled"} to Exile keyword list 1;

if the current humidity is humid or the current humidity is precipitating:

add {"Barren ", "Hard", "Arid ", "Dry", "Desolate "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"blot", "blotted", "dessicant", "parched"} to Exile keyword list 2;

if the current temperature is hot:

add {"Chill", "Ice", "Icy ", "Frost", "Snow", "Frozen ", "Sleet", "Slush", "Slushy "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"drift", "bank", "flake"} to Exile keyword list 2;

if the current temperature is cold:

add {"Hot"} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"bake", "baked", "baking", "roast", "roasted", "roasting"} to Exile keyword list 2;

if the current humidity is arid:

add {"Steam", "Steaming ", "Swelter ", "Warm", "Sticky "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"boil", "boiled", "boiling", "fry", "fried", "frying"} to Exile keyword list 2;

repeat with temporary shrine statue running through Unperceived shrine statues:

let the temporary deity be the shrine deity of the temporary shrine statue;

DM "Adding keywords for [temporary deity] to the Exile keyword lists.";

if the temporary deity is Inho: [Disgust]

add {"Abhorrence ", "Abhorred ", "Aversion ", "Bothered ", "Contempt ", "Deplored ", "Disgust ", "Disturbed ", "Loathing ", "Revulsion ", "Removed "} to Exile keyword list 1;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Muisti: [Memory]

add {"Cited", "Cognizant ", "Enshrined ", "Reminiscing ", "Retrospective "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"memory", "treasure", "recall", "recollect"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Apuraha: [Scholarship]

add {"Bookish ", "Civilized ", "Cultured ", "Learned ", "Lettered ", "Literate ", "Scholastic ", "Trained "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"college", "read", "study"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Ennakointi: [Anticipation]

add {"Alarmed", "Apprehensive ", "Anxious ", "Disquieted ", "Foreboding ", "Mistrusting ", "Suspicious ", "Uneasy ", "Worried "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"waiting", "premonition", "vagrant "} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Kauhusta: [Horror]

add {"Dire", "Dread", "Fearful ", "Hideous ", "Hiding ", "Horrendous ", "Horrific ", "Nightmare "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"asylum", "fear", "hideaway", "horror", "retreat", "safeguard", "shelter", "shield", "terror"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Yhtenaisyys: [Unity]

add {"Amity ", "Blend", "Harmony ", "Lull", "Peace", "Rest", "Treaty ", "Unity "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"accord", "alliance", "meeting", "union"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Arkuus: [Tenderness]

add {"Benevolent ", "Care", "Grace", "Gracious ", "Kind", "Mercy", "Sympathetic ", "Tact", "Tender "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"altruist", "bounty", "charity"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Innostus: [Zeal]

add {"Avid ", "Diligent ", "Eager ", "Vehement"} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"ardor", "craving", "intensity", "verve", "zeal"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Taiteellisuus: [Artistry]

add {"Artistic ", "Brilliant ", "Clever", "Craft", "Expert ", "Ingenious "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"finesse", "method", "polish", "style", "symmetry", "talent"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Kohtelias: [Courteous]

add {"Courteous ", "Chivalrous ", "Civil ", "Cozy ", "Elegant ", "Gallant ", "Thoughtful "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"ceremony", "courtesy", "favor"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Ylpea: [Proud]

add {"Dignified ", "Proud", "Vain"} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"conceit", "delight", "disdain", "honor", "hubris", "pleasure", "pride"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Peloton: [Fearless]

add {"Bold", "Brassy ", "Daring ", "Dashing ", "Dauntless ", "Gallant ", "Sure", "Valiant "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"assurance", "courage", "hero"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Holtiton: [Reckless]

add {"Brash ", "Careless ", "Dangerous ", "Desperate ", "Headlong ", "Heedless ", "Luck", "Opportune ", "Rash", "Reckless ", "Wild "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"danger", "hazard", "jeopardize", "risk", "venture"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Huolellinen: [Careful]

add {"Alert ", "Concerned ", "Guarded", "Mindful", "Prim", "Shy", "Sober", "Vigilant ", "Wary "} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"guard"} to Exile keyword list 2;

otherwise if the temporary deity is Laakari: [Doctor]

add {"Diagnosed", "Frail", "Ill"} to Exile keyword list 1;

add {"health", "injector", "needle", "pierced", "piercing", "syringe"} to Exile keyword list 2.