Five Gods Exiled — 109 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Part 3 - Listing Stats

Listing stats is an action applying to nothing. Understand "stats" as listing stats.

Carry out listing stats:

if debug state is false:

say "Sorry - this is a debug-only command.";


say "Strength: [Strength of the player]. Regular attack: [rattack of the player]. Enhanced attack: [eattack of the player].[line break]Regular speed: [rspeed of the player]. Enhanced speed: [espeed of the player].[paragraph break]Stamina: [Stamina of the player]. Regular defense: [rdefense of the player]. Enhanced defense: [edefense of the player].[line break]Health maximum: [rhealth of the player]. Current health: [chealth of the player].[paragraph break]Will: [will of the player]. Regular Exile movement: [rmovement of the player]. Enhanced Exile movement: [emovement of the player].[line break]Attunement maximum: [rattunement of the player]. Current attunement: [cattunement of the player].[paragraph break]Knowledge: [knowledge of the player]. Regular awareness: [rawareness of the player]. Enhanced awareness: [eawareness of the player].[line break]Regular stealth: [rstealth of the player]. Enhanced stealth: [estealth of the player].".

Listing monster stats is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stats [something]" as listing monster stats.

Carry out listing monster stats:

say "Examining [a noun].[line break]Regular physical attack: [rattack of the noun]. Enhanced physical attack: [eattack of the noun].[line break]Regular mental attack: [rmattack of the noun]. Enhanced mental attack: [emattack of the noun].[line break]Regular speed: [rspeed of the noun]. Enhanced speed: [espeed of the noun].[line break]Regular defense: [rdefense of the noun]. Enhanced defense: [edefense of the noun].[line break]Health maximum: [rhealth of the noun]. Current health: [chealth of the noun].[line break]Regular awareness: [rawareness of the noun]. Enhanced awareness: [eawareness of the noun].[line break]Regular stealth: [rstealth of the noun]. Enhanced stealth: [estealth of the noun].".