Five Gods Exiled — 15 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 4 - Barriers

Part 1 - Barrier Concepts

Table of Defined Barrier Types

barrier-typebarrier minimum sizebarrier maximum size
cliff edge23
cliff face23

Barrier-type is a kind of value. The barrier-types are defined by the Table of Defined Barrier Types.

A barrier is a kind of thing. A barrier is usually fixed in place. A barrier has some text called the blocking text. [The blocking text of a barrier is usually "[The noun] prevents you from going".] A barrier has a barrier-type. The barrier-type of a barrier is usually ocean. Understand the barrier-type property as describing a barrier. A barrier is usually scenery.

The current direction is a direction that varies.

A barrier-type has some text called the blocking text. The blocking text of a barrier-type is usually "The [noun] prevents you from going [current direction].[line break]".

The blocking text of ocean is "You wade [current direction] to stand in the waves for a moment[if the shadow is in the location]. [The shadow self] watches you impassively until you retreat to stand on the [random terrain in the location] again[otherwise] before retreating back to the [random terrain in the location] of the ocean's shore[end if].[line break]"

The blocking text of lake is "You wade [current direction] into the [noun] for a moment, noting that the bottom drops out rapidly[if the shadow is in the location]. [The shadow self] watches you impassively until you retreat to stand on the [random terrain in the location] again[otherwise] before retreating back to the [random terrain in the location] of the lakeshore[end if].[line break]"

The blocking text of forest is "[if the shadow is in the location][The shadow self] watches as y[otherwise]Y[end if]ou go [current direction] into the [noun], but the trees and undergrowth are so thick that it is difficult to make any progress. You retreat [if the current weather is sunny]back into the sun[otherwise if the current weather is snowing]back into the snow[otherwise if the current weather is raining]back into the rain[otherwise]again[end if].[line break]"

The blocking text of wall is "The wall to the [current direction] does not have enough handholds or footholds for you to climb it.[line break]"

The blocking text of river is "The river to the [current direction] is too broad and swift for you to attempt the crossing.[line break]"

The blocking text of brambles is "You start [current direction] into the [noun], but you quickly conclude that you can't get through[if the shadow is in the location]. [The shadow self] watches you impassively until you retreat[end if].[line break]"

The blocking text of hedge is "You approach the [noun] to the [current direction], but there doesn't seem to be a way through.[line break]"

The blocking text of chasm is "There's a [noun] to the [current direction], and you can't see a way across. It's too broad to jump and too steep to climb down.[line break]"

The blocking text of cliff face is "You approach the [noun] to the [current direction], but it's too steep for you to climb up.[line break]"

The blocking text of cliff edge is "You approach the [noun] to the [current direction], but it's too steep for you to climb down.[line break]"

The blocking text of pool is "You approach the [noun] to the [current direction], but there's no shallow place - from its edge onward, the pool is sufficiently deep that you can't see the bottom.[line break]"

The blocking text of pillar is "There's a [noun] blocking the way [current direction].[line break]"

62 barriers are in Z1.

Prevention relates various barriers to various directions.

The verb to prevent (it prevents, they prevent, it prevented, it is prevented) implies the prevention relation.

Before going nowhere:

if going up:

say "You can't fly." instead;

otherwise if going down:

say "You can't go down from here." instead;

otherwise if going inside:

say "There's nothing to enter here." instead;

otherwise if going outside:

say "You're outside already." instead;

otherwise if going a direction (called thataway):

repeat with temporary barrier running through barriers in the location:

if the temporary barrier prevents thataway:

now the noun is the temporary barrier;

now the current direction is thataway;

say the blocking text of the barrier-type of the temporary barrier instead.

[ say "[blocking text of the barrier-type of the temporary barrier] [thataway]." instead.]

The compass set is a list of directions that varies. The compass set is {north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest}.

Definition: A direction is compass if it is listed in the compass set.