Five Gods Exiled — 144 of 191

Carolyn VanEseltine

Release 1

Book 2 - Mementos

Part 1 - All Mementos

A memento is a kind of thing. A memento has a memory called the associated memory. The plural of memento is mementos. The description of a memento is usually "The [memento-type] blurs before your eyes, and your brain aches from looking at it[first time]. It isn't really a [memento-type] - it's a piece of the exiled world's energy, solidified and transferred into this world by your passage through the veil[only]."

A memento can be recent. A memento is usually recent.

50 mementos are in Z1. The current memento is a memento that varies.

Memento-type is a kind of value.

Table of Defined Memento Types

pair of boots5falsefalsefalsefalsetruefalsefalse
pair of spectacles6falsefalsefalsefalsefalsetruefalse
figurine0falsefalsefalsefalsefalsefalsetrue[Jinxed things]

The memento-types are defined by the Table of Defined Memento Types.

A memento has a memento-type. A memento usually has memento-type scarf. Understand the memento-type property as describing a memento.

A memento has an adjective called the memento adjective. A memento usually has memento adjective nondescript. Understand the memento adjective property as describing a memento.

A memento has a number called the attack boost. The attack boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the speed boost. The speed boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the defense boost. The defense boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the movement boost. The movement boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the awareness boost. The awareness boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the stealth boost. The stealth boost of a memento is usually 0.

A memento has a number called the wear_at. The wear_at of a memento is usually 0.

Definition: A memento is wearable if the wear_at of it is not 0.

Definition: A memento is automatic if it is not an intrinsic memento and it is not wearable.

Definition: A memento is inactive if it is wearable and it is not worn.


0 - unwearable

1 - weapon

2 - shield

3 - gloves

4 - cloak

5 - boots

6 - spectacles

7 - necklace (5 options)

8 - bracelets (6 options)

9 - rings (10 options)

10 - earrings (4 options)]

Rule for printing the name of a memento (called target memento):

say "[memento adjective of the target memento] [memento-type of the target memento]".